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Student Activities

Our students do some amazing work. Below, we showcase  some of the recent accomplishments of CS students.

Screenshot of the Virtual Research Gallery
CS students present work at the SSU Virtual Research symposium

The annual SSU Science Symposium went virtual in 2020. Computer Science faculty and students presented research posters, showcasing the research work they undertook (largely remotely) during the Fall and Spring.

Five women holding up signs with #SitWithMe messages, posing while standing and sitting in the RedChair
CS students participate in NCWIT's SitWithMe campaign

Sit With Me is a national advocacy campaign designed to encourage women in computing careers, created by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). Sit With Me uses an iconic Red Chair to symbolize that women in technolo

Student in front of a presentation screen titled "What is Interstitial Lung Disease?"
Jorge Bautista-Martinez presents at CSCI'19

SSU computer science major Jorge Bautista-Martinez and Dr.

Five students posing, holding three crystal awards
WiCS and CS Club leaders win three 2019 SSU Student Involvement Awards

The CS Club and WiCS had their extraordinary accomplishments recognized at the 2019 SSU Student Involvement Awards. With over 100 clubs participating, and 100+ nominations, they claimed 3 of the 10 prizes awarded.