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CS students present Koret research at SIGCSE

Dr. Rivoire and Koret students present QC education research at SIGCSE 2023

CS majors Aundré Barras, Brennan Freeze, Paris Osuch and Soren Richenberg have been working with their faculty mentor Dr. Rivoire as part the Koret Scholars program on an open-source Python library for the flexible simulation and visualization of quantum computing circuits for education. Their work began as an end-of-semester course project presented at the Science Symposium in Spring 2022. They improved that work and it has been accepted as a poster to the ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), to be held in Toronto in March 2023. 

SIGCSE is one of the largest and most prestigious CS education conference, and it's rare to have undergraduates as the primary authors of SIGCSE papers or posters. It is a testament to the fabulous effort of these scholars and their faculty mentor!

Quantum computing (QC) is a rapidly growing field linking the disciplines of mathematics, physics, and computer science. CS students and software developers are a natural talent pool for the future QC workforce, but existing QC simulation and visualization tools are not designed with their background in mind. We present, a full-featured, open-source Python simulation and visualization tool for quantum circuits, with a feature set tailored to the background of CS students and software practitioners.

Brennan T. Freeze, Aundre Barras, Paris Osuch, Soren Sevier Richenberg and Suzanne Rivoire. " Quantum Computing Simulation and Visualization Suite." Extended abstract/poster, accepted to ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 2023.