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Colloquium Archive

Date Speaker Lecture Title
Gerald Eisman, San Francisco State University Computer Science Department Who Makes The Best Partner? Neural Networks With Personalities
Patrick Lincoln, SRI International, Menlo Park Scalable Management Of Computer Security (Anti-Worm, Anti-Virus, Ids, Fw)
Jefferson Coelho, Sonoma State University Computer and Engineering Science Graduate Program & Agilent, Santa Rosa Multifingered Grasping: From Grasp Reflexes To Context-Dependent Strategies
Dawn Jenner, DataFlow Computer Resource Management, Santa Rosa It Perspective On Systems Analysis In A Crm Implementation
Teed Rockwell, Sonoma State University Philosophy Department Why Zombies Are Impossible
Liz Warner, MadFish, San Francisco Dot-Com War Stories: How (And How Not To) Run A Webstudio
Tim Innes & Jason Morales , S2 Games Game Programmer: Engineer Or Artist?
Michael Slater, Adobe, Santa Rosa The Hard Challenge Of Making Easy Software
Michael Skolnik, EDS, Petaluma Problems With Health Care Technology
Matt Dewar, Manager Litecraft Group, Alcatel, Petaluma The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (User Interface Design)
Vahl Scott Gordon, California State University, Sacramento Solving The Knight's Tour With A Genetic Algorithm
Tom Duff , Pixar, Emeryville Fog
Christos Papadimitriou, University of California, Berkeley Games And Networks
Jason Shankel, Maxis Corp., Walnut Creek Tools For Emergent Design
Jaywant Singh Rao, Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores Architecting Oracle Technology For High Availability
George Hawley, CTO of Valo Petaluma (Co-founder and ex-CTO of Diamond Lane, bought by Nokia) Telecom Valley-Past, Present, And Future
Richard Hite, VISA Emerging Technologies And The Changing Payment System Trust Model
Christine Bouamalay, Network Systems Engineering, SBC, San Francisco Object-Oriented Versus Procedural Versus Data-Centric: A Small Case Study
Chad Morgan, LucasArts, San Rafael Maya Programming: Making Tools To Make Magic
Veronica DeGuzman, Nanopore Laboratory, University of California, Santa Cruz Discrimination Of Single Base Pair Differences Among Individual Dna Molecules Using A Nanopore