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CS Colloquium | February 17, 2005

The Microprocessor Ten Years From Now: How Do We Harness The Raw Power Technology Will Provide?

Yale Patt, University of Texas, Austin

Stevenson Hall 1300
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Processor technology is alive and well: within a few years, more than one billiontransistors on each silicon die, with geometries so small that we will run these chips atfrequencies in excess of 10 GHz. However, it is already the case that this increase inraw power is not being effectively utilized. In fact, the naysayers suggest that theproblems will get worse, and we may as well just give up trying. In this talk, I willattempt to identify the problems and suggest ways to keep us on track to takeadvantage of what device technology will provide.