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Colloquium Archive

Date Speaker Lecture Title
V. Scott Gordon, California State University, Sacramento New Training Methods For Neural Networks
John Markoff, The New York Times What The Dormouse Said
Jason Shankel, Maxis Simulating Planetary Environments
Sami Rollins, University of San Francisco Users And Batteries: Interactions And Adaptive Energy Management In Mobile Systems
Lodewijk Bonebakker, SUN The Workload You Have And The System You Get: The Impact Of Workload Characterization In Computer System Design
Darren Shou, Symantec Security Research At Symantec Research Labs
Igor Sviridov, 23 and Me Building Scalable Internet Infrastructures From Scratch
Yunyao Li, IBM Declarative Information Extraction
Mary Roth, IBM To Boldly Go Where No Database Has Gone Before: Data Integration Through Data Federation
Ron LaPedis, Citrix Disaster Recovery -- A Holistic Approach
Donald Ensley, Signet Testing Labs Shadow In The Corner
Andru Luvisi, Sonoma State University The History, Controversy, And Evolution Of The Goto Statement
END OF SEMESTER CELEBRATION & AWARDS Awards Presented To Sonoma State Computer Science Majors
STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Fall 2007 Short Presentations Of Student Research
John Sullins, Philosophy Department, SSU Roboethics, Or How To Survive The Rise Of The Machines
Ted Hill, Georgia Tech and Cal Poly SLO The Significant-Digit Phenomenon, Or Benford's Law
David Singer, IBM Web 2.0: A Conversation
Jason Shankel, Maxsi Elements Of Computer Game Design
Maurice R. del Prado Jr., IBM Virtualization
Louie Gasparini, RSA Security Emerging Authentication Solutions