Frequently Asked Questions This page lists all FAQ entries on this site. Advising Are there any special policies on repeating courses in the major? Are there specific concentrations in this major? Do I need a permission number? Do I need to be eligible for GE English and Math before I take courses in the major? Does any AP credit count toward the SSU CS major? How are prerequisites enforced? How do I get and use permission numbers? How do I get course credit for an internship? How do I read my academic requirements report (ARR)? How do I use the SWAP feature to add a class, where I would be waitlisted? If I graduated in Fall, can I walk in the Spring ceremony? If I still have questions, what should I do? Is it possible to do an independent study for course credit? Is there a deadline every semester to declare this major? Is there a GPA requirement for declaring this major? Is there any special application process to declare this major? Once I am declared, what classes will I need to take? Once I declare Computer Science as my major, will I have an advisor? What is required for a minor in Computer Science? What is the CS Department policy on the "Incomplete" grade? Where do I get resources about applying to graduate? Which courses can be transferred to SSU for major credit? Who can I speak with in the CS Department to learn more about the major? Who should I meet with about declaring a major in Computer Science? Advising, Computer Use What personal computer does the department recommend for CS? What personal computer does the department recommend for CS? Computer Use Are there any particular rules for using CS Labs? Can I get key access to the labs as a CS major? How do I login and use a Jupyter notebook on blue? How do I set up a personal webpage on blue? Using the Apple File Protocol to connect to blue What activities are allowed on blue? When will my blue account expire? Who can get an account on blue, the CS UNIX server? Why does it say "remote host identification failed"?