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Colloquium Archive

Date Speaker Speaker Affiliation Lecture Title
Theresa Migler Dept. of Computer Science, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo How Collaborative is the California Collaboration Network?
Jennifer Waldo Ochs Labs, Sebastopol, CA TBD
Jason Lowe-Power Assistant Professor University of California, Davis Managing Memory Smartly
Hao Yue Associate Professor Dept of Computer Science, San Francisco State University Uncover the Ghosts: Machine Learning based Spam Detection on Social Networks
Mustafa Hajij Assistant Professor University of San Francisco Unifying principles of higher order networks
Barry Rountree Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Applications of Nonmaterial Performance to Failure Analysis in High Performance Computing, Side-Channel Vulnerabilities and Facial Hallucination Software
Geetha Chauhan AI Practice Head / CTO SVSG Deep Learning for Medical Imaging
Jennifer Chubb Associate Professor University of San Francisco Distance functions on computable graphs
Rebecca Hartman-Baker User Engagement Group Leader National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center Beyond Restart: Checkpointing for the Exascale Era
Dan Garcia University of California, Berkeley The Snap! (Build Your Own Blocks) Programming Environment
Cameron Tully-Smith Senior Software Engineer Netmaker Live Ask Me Anything with Professional Programmer and Businessperson
Spring 2022 Short Presentations Of Student Research
Spring 2022 Short Presentations Of Student Research
Landon Curt Noll Retired from Cicso Systems The Quest for the Largest Known Prime Number
Emery Berger Professor University of Massachusetts Amherst Performance Matters
S. Ramesh Senior Tech Fellow General Motors Research and Development Division Automotive ECS Development, Verification & Validation: Recent Trends & Challenges
Daniel Holz ('16) Ciena Improving code quality through Test-Driven Development
Todd Ziesing Terrace Consulting, Inc. TBD
Henry Walker Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Mathematics Grinnell College Robots in CS1: Overview, Bluetooth, Tone Generation, and Testing with eSpeak
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan (ACM Distinguished Speaker) Professor University of Utah System Resilience: Amplify Failures, Detect, or Both?