How does AI Perceive You?
Nina Marhamati
Assistant Professor Computer Science Sonoma State University
Stevenson Hall 1300
11:00 AM
- 11:50 AM
Have you ever wondered how Siri, Alexa, or any chat-bot perceives you? We are interested in answering this question by making it possible to receive feedback from interactions with AI. Understanding the human message and emotion when approaching a machine is a valuable psychological experience and can tell us a lot about ourselves and our society. In collaboration with the Art Department, we are using AI methods to create a reaction to people’s interaction with machines. The interaction received through sensory inputs is processed by the machine and the content of the interaction is decoded. Using deep learning models for natural language processing, the emotional state of the interaction is detected from the content. The detected state is used to visualize, in 2D or 3D, what the machine has perceived from the interaction. The final product will give the user a personalized interaction with the machine through a piece of art that reflects the user's emotion. This product can be combined with VR equipment and used for providing more realistic experience for game players, online training participants, or interaction with chat-bots.