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CS Colloquium | March 26, 2015

Privacy Badger, Dnt, And A Web Without Tracking

Cooper Quintin, Electronic Frontier Foundation, San Francisco

Stevenson Hall 1300
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM

Cooper will introduce the design and implementation of Privacy Badger, EFF's new browser extension that automatically blocks both invisible trackers and spying ads. It is intended to be a minimal or zero-configuration option that most Internet users can use to prevent non-consensual third party collection of their reading habits from their everyday browser. Privacy Badger couples the recently developed HTTP Do Not Track opt out header with a number of heuristics for classifying the behavior of third parties, to automatically determine which should be blocked, which are needed but should have cookies blocked, and which are safe from a privacy perspective. Cooper will also talk about the current state of non-consensual tracking on the web, what methods are currently being used to track people and exploring what alternatives we can pursue.