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CS Colloquium | March 13, 2014

Innovation In The Computer Science Classroom

Kate Lockwood, CSU Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA

Stevenson Hall 1300
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM

Computer science is a very innovative and creative field, but is often taught using very traditional methods. In this talk, I’ll discuss some recent efforts to bring innovation into the classroom to engage students, to improve student performance and to increase retention of students in the major. At CSUMB I have taught introductory programming using the inverted classroom method where students are assigned passive activities, like lectures and readings, as homework and classroom time is dedicated to active, hands-on problem solving. I will talk about some preliminary results from the inverted classroom as well as talk about the potential for future research. I will also cover some other innovative methods for teaching computer science, including peer-led instruction, problem based learning and cohort based programs.