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CS Colloquium | April 4, 2013

Understanding The Problem Before Developing The Software

Todd Ziesing, Terrace

Stevenson Hall 1300
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM

A great software release intuitively solves a problem. Your software release will be pedestrian if you aren't able to transform the problem into a simple and efficient user experience. Many engineers focus on learning the syntax and design patterns of the technologies they use to create new software. Programming languages, database designs, interfaces, and security typically consume the average engineer. To be a great engineer you need to move beyond technology syntax. A great engineer spends significant time learning the problem and understanding behaviors of the typical user. Learning the problem and transforming that knowledge into an active, intuitive user experience often requires more time than actually designing and developing the solution. In this talk we plan to present a fast, effective and engaging method to learning the problem, transforming this knowledge into actionable media (e.g. use cases, activity diagrams, site maps, user interface mock ups, etc.) and discuss some of the pitfalls you may encounter along the way. Join us and learn a few very important techniques to gather requirements and transform them into a rich and engaging design.