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CS Colloquium | March 24, 2011

The Outside World, As Viewed From The Eyes Of A Computer Scientist

John King, Solairus Aviation, Petaluma, CA

Stevenson Hall 1300
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM

The world looks very different to someone armed with a degree in computer science versus just about any other discipline. The fundamental understanding of these technologies, tools and skills can be a tremendous asset even if one never pursues opportunities that involve writing a single line of code or building systems. We will dissect the travels of a computer scientist (using the term loosely) who spent a thirty-six year career in a variety of endeavors other than the one envisioned when that coveted degree was granted. The discussion is intended to spur some thought on the nontraditional uses of a background in computer science and the acquisition of some complementary knowledge before completing your studies.