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CS Colloquium | March 11, 2010

Automated Tagging And Categorization Of Blogs

Chris Brooks, University of San Francisco

Stevenson Hall 1300
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Tags have recently become very popular as a means for annotating and indexing online content such as blogs, due to their ease of use, as well as the ability to share tags between users. There are potential advantages and weaknesses of tags as a mechanism for organizing and retrieving content online. We will present a brief overview of the necessary machine learning and information retrieval techniques, and then describe results characterizing the sorts of tasks for which tags are well suited. We will then describe techniques for automatically annotating documents and an algorithm for automatically inducing relationships between tags as a first step to creating a more expressive tagging scheme. We will end with a discussion of current work on automatically recommending tags and visualizing related tags.