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CS Colloquium | February 8, 2007

Scientific-Compendia--A New, Internet-Based Communications-Methodology

Don Jewett, Abratech Corporation, Sausalito

Stevenson Hall 1300
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Finding Scientific or Medical Information on the Web is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. In a literature-search the misses greatly outnumber the hits. Hence, there is a clear need for a guide to the current ideas and evidence in both Science and Medicine. As such a guide, we propose a Network of "Scientific Multi-Level Compendia", where each Compendium can be visualized as a Web-based, highly-organized and moderated Review-Article and Forum, with two critical additions: a Multi-Level Format that allows readers to access only those parts of the Compendium which interests them and Context-Containing Cytation-Lists which provide immediate access to any citing text on the Web that has cited a given Compendium-entry.