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CS Colloquium | September 27, 2022

Deep Learning for Medical Imaging

Geetha Chauhan
AI Practice Head / CTO SVSG

Stevenson Hall 1300
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM

The talk covers use cases, special challenges and solutions for Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis. You will learn about:

  • Use cases for Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis
  • Different DNN architectures used for Medical Image Analysis
  • Special purpose compute / accelerators for Deep Learning (in the Cloud / On-prem)
  • How to parallelize your models for faster training of models and serving for inferenceing.
  • Optimization techniques to get the best performance from your cluster (like Kubernetes/ Apache Mesos / Spark)
  • How to build an efficient Data Pipeline for Medical Image Analysis using Deep Learning
  • Resources to jump start your journey - like public data sets, common models used in Medical Image Analysis