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CS Colloquium | September 11, 2014

Empowering The Underserved, One App At A Time

Silvia Figueira, Santa Clara University

Stevenson Hall 1300
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM

Cellular phones are bringing computing to underserved communities. As people in these communities across the globe lack access to information, but do own cellular phones, apps are filling the gap by delivering meaningful information to improve lives. The Mobile Lab at Santa Clara University has been collaborating with local and international partners to enable cellular phones to help different communities. In this talk, we will present several mobile projects through which engineering students have been solving specific problems and helping underserved communities in the United States and abroad. We will also describe our first hackathon, Hack for the Homeless, which was organized by our ACM and ACM-W chapters and provided a venue for students to create important solutions for homeless individuals.