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CS Colloquium | October 23, 2003

Architecting Oracle Technology For High Availability

Jaywant Singh Rao, Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores

Stevenson Hall 1300
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM

Oracle and its partners provide all the ingredients and components to build a highly available architecture. However, choosing and implementing the architecture that best fits your availability requirements can be a daunting task. This architecture must encompass redundancy across all components, achieve fast client failover for all types of outages, and provide protection from user errors, corruption, and site disasters, while being easy to deploy, manage, and scale. This presentation describes a technical architecture that removes the complexity of designing a highly available (HA) architecture for your business. This is a straightforward, redundant, and robust architecture that prevents, detects, and recovers from different outages within a small mean time to recovery (MTTR), as well as preventing or minimizing downtime for maintenance.