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CS Colloquium | November 7, 2002

Apple's Os X - Where User-Friendly Meets Geek Lust

David Sims

Stevenson Hall 1300
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

For the first time in memory, the choice computer -- from a hardware and software perspective -- for alpha geeks is the very same as the choice computer you would suggest for a non-technical friend. Apple has changed the rules by laying its consumer friendly interface and popular applications on top of a Unix-based shell in its OS X (operating system number 10) machines. In addition to all this power under the hood -- which most users will never tap -- Apple is out in front building in wireless technologies (first Wi-Fi, now Bluetooth) and offering smart applications that make it much easier to work withmedia (iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes). I'll give an overview of what's in OS X, look at Apple's market position, and demonstrate some of the iApps that users say make the machinesworth the money.