CS students participate in NCWIT's SitWithMe campaign
Sit With Me is a national advocacy campaign designed to encourage women in computing careers, created by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). Sit With Me uses an iconic Red Chair to symbolize that women in technology need more seats at the table, that men and women can sit in support and solidarity for technical women, and that one highly visible action can instigate others.
Club leaders from the Women in Computer Science club and Society of Women Engineers at SSU organized in a RedChair event on campus, for the SSU Women in Tech community. Participating students wrote personal messages, to be shared through social media as part if its virtual, nation-wide campaign. The student event compliments previous RedChair events on campus, at BigNite, at Charlie Brown's cafe, and at the SST Fall Faculty meeting. The event was organized by club presidents Tairyn Addison (WiCS) and Anna Banzer (SWE), with support from Dr. Gondree.
You can learn more about the SSU RedChair on the SSU School of Science & Technology SitWithMe website.