Colloquium Archive

Gender-Inclusive Software and Beyond

Margaret Burnett
ACM Distinguished Speaker, Distinguished Professor
Oregon State University


How can software industry professionals (e.g., developers, UI/UX professionals, product managers) assess whether their software supports diverse users? And if they find problems, how can they fix them? We begin with a summary of GenderMag, a systematic inspection method for finding and fixing “gender inclusivity bugs" -- biases against different genders in software interfaces and workflows. We then show what software industry professionals are doing with it in the real world, from their bias finds & fixes to their practices & pitfalls in using it. Finally, we introduce InclusiveMag, a meta-method that can be used by HCI researchers to generate systematic inclusiveness methods for other dimensions of diversity.

Computer Science, Engineering, and Science: It comes down to bits and pieces, and practices

Laura Peticolas
Associate Director, EdEon STEM Learning
Sonoma State University


Why are the Physics and Astronomy majors coding? Isn't that what computer science majors do? How is coding different in Computer Science, Engineering, and Science? If there are so many differences, how should we teach coding in the K-12 classrooms? This talk answers these questions and brings up more questions. Specifically, the presentation will include examples of how coding in various careers can differ and/or be similar. This presentation also showcases what the EdEon STEM Learning Department is doing to address several challenges to teaching coding in middle and high school science classrooms. 

Scanning the Internet, Revealing Risks and Security Insights About Attack Surfaces

Dallas Womack ('21)
Software Engineer


Keeping track of internet infrastructure can be difficult, especially as companies migrate to the cloud, workforces become more distributed, and companies acquire security debt from mergers or acquisitions. Censys helps discover, manage, and remediate risks in a company's digital foot print. Created by the founders of the Zmap project, Censys's Attack Surface Management Platform helps organizations understand their external exposures with their Global Internet Map. This presentation aims to give the audience an understanding of what an attack surface management system is, the data that Censys uses to build the attack surfaces of its customers, and how the ASM platform works. Additionally, the talk will consist of a deep dive into how assets are attributed to an organization based on seed data that is provided during the automated on boarding process.

Spring 2024 Short Presentations of Student Research and Awards


Short presentations of research carried out by Sonoma State Computer Science Students, and CS awards

  1. Tony Rago
  2. Obinna Kalu
  3. Adam Said

Spring 2024 Presentations of Student Capstone Projects


Short presentations of capstone projects carried out by Sonoma State Computer Science Students.
